Digital conference on the work, visions and networking of artists' residencies in selected regions of the Americas
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Times below are Berlin times. Berlin is UTC +1.
The event will be held via Zoom in English and Spanish. Simultaneous translation E/ES will be available.
Register here until 08 November 2021, you will receive the Zoom link one day before the event.
Wednesday, 10 November 2021, 5pm Berlin for 3 hours (Berlin is UTC+1)
- 5:00 PM Welcome and Introduction
with project leaders María Linares, Andreas Schmid and Moira Zoitl, all IGBK (Berlin, GER) - Presentations of AIR programs from the Americas
Followed by Q&As
5:10 PM Lucrecia Urbano on Zona Imaginaria (Buenos Aires, ARG)
5:30 PM Lola Malavasi Lachner on TEOR/ética (San José, CRI)
5:50 PM M.A. Marleau on AXENÉO7 (Gatineau, CAN) - 6:10 PM Speed Dating
Get to know each other in small circles of three people. After a short 5 minute introduction, you will meet in break out rooms for about 10 minutes. - 6:25 PM Break
- 6:45 PM Welcome back and "I walk the streets…"
More presentations of AIR programs and their neighborhoods
6:50 PM Jane Walker on Union House Arts (Port Union, CAN)
7:00 PM Luciana Moniz on Museo Do Mato (Bahia, BRA)
7:10 PM Raquel Schwartz, Douglas Rodrigo Rada and team Kiosko Galería on Kiosko Galería (Santa Cruz de la Sierra, BOL) - 7:20 PM Q&A with "I walk the streets" speakers
Followed by break out rooms with the speakers of the first day: Join whom you would like to speak to for more questions and exchange. - 7:55 PM Wrap-up of the first day and announcement of tomorrow's program
Thursday, 11 November 2021, 4pm Berlin (Berlin is UTC+1)
90 minutes workshop with separate participants list and access link. Results of the workshop will be presented at the onAIRISM conference at 6pm Berlin (UTC+1).
If you are interested in joining the workshop, please send an email to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! until 25 October 2021, with information on your artistic background and/ or the AIR program that you are organizing. We will send you feedback until 01 November 2021.
Thursday, 11 November 2021, 6pm Berlin for 3 hours, including a "cooking session" (Berlin is UTC+1)
- 6:00 PM Welcome and introduction to the program of the 2nd day
by Shey Rivera Ríos, a.o. Artist Communities Alliance (Providence, RI, USA), also moderator of this day's panel - 6:05 PM Keynote Speech "Revaluation of spaces during and after the pandemic: What can residencies provide?"
by Marcelo Rezende from Archiv der Avantgarden (Dresden, GER) - 6:25 PM Moderated Panel with inputs on
Revaluation of spaces during and after the pandemic: What can residencies provide?
Josefa Ortega from Casa Gallina (Mexico City, MEX)
How AIR programs network – locally and globally
Alessio Antoniolli from Gasworks and Triangle Network (London, UK)
Residencies as political shelters
Olga Robayo from EL PARCHE (Bogotá, COL)
Panel also with Marcelo Rezende, moderated by Shey Rivera Ríos
Followed by Q&As - 7:45 PM Cooking together!
a.o. with
Iván Tovar and the Lugar a dudas team and some of their residents in Cali, COL
Olga Robayo and the EL PARCHE team in Bogotá,
and with the IGBK project leaders in Berlin.
If you would like to join us from your kitchen, please be our guest! - 8:45 PM Farewell by the project leaders
"Lugar a dudas" kitchen before cooking...
(c) Lugar a dudas
Andreas Schmid's kitchen, where the project team will meet, before cooking...
(c) Andreas Schmid