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visual artists | diverse conditions

IGBK working groups, public workshops and panel debates in 2023 (...)

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The concept of diversity is becoming increasingly relevant in democratic and pluralistic societies. The diversity of lifestyles, identities and cultures is not yet reflected in all areas of a society or in its institutional structures.

Against this background, the IGBK in 2023 examines the conditions of artistic work in Europe from the perspective of diversity. What impact do characteristics such as age, gender, origin/language and geographical location (or place of residence) have on the work of visual artists in addition to country-specific cultural policy, art policy and socio-political conditions? To what extent is the presence or absence of diversity structures in institutions, for example, noticeable in the work of artists?

An overview of all the partners in our gatherings until now.


Sara Edström giving her input

15 November 2023 | Workshop "Funding and Working Spaces against the Background of Diversity Aspects in Europe"

Jerome Ince-Mitchell during his input

15 November 2023 | Workshop "Funding and Working Spaces against the Background of Diversity Aspects in Europe"

Sheri Avraham giving her input

08 November 2023 | Workshop "Visual Artists Associations and Structures against the Background of Diversity Aspects in Europe"

Teemu Mäki giving his input

25 October 2023 | Workshop "Social Security and Pensions against the Background of Diversity Aspects in Europe"

isidro López-Aparicio giving his presentation

25 October 2023 | Workshop "Social Security and Pensions against the Background of Diversity Aspects in Europe"

Logo Brexit Infopoint by touring artists

Cooperation of IGBK and Deutscher Künstlerbund

visual artists | diverse conditions panel debate at Ausstellungsraum Deutscher Künstlerbund

visual artists | diverse conditions panel debate at Ausstellungsraum Deutscher Künstlerbund

visual artists | diverse conditions panel debate at Ausstellungsraum Deutscher Künstlerbund