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A project by IGBK, the International Theatre Institute (ITI) Germany and Dachverband Tanz Deutschland (DTD), initiated and supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media
Series of events in 2019 on artistic cooperation in border regions
23.-26. October 2019 in Konstanz and Kreuzlingen
An cooperation with the Goethe-Institut: New issue of "Freepost" on
Panel discussion in June 2018 in Berlin
Symposium 23 and 24 November 2017 in cooperation with Akademie der Künste, Berlin, on the occasion of IGBK's 60th anniversary.
The symposium, organized by IGBK and the ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen), took place on December 2 and 3, 2015, at KW Institute for Contemporary Art and at the ifa Gallery in Berlin.
Contemporary art spaces are now emerging in different locations around the world. Their vitality is based on the interaction between different actors and influences.
Workshop within the scope of the EU funded project GALA (Green Art Lab Alliance), 12/13 March 2014 in Berlin. The workshop provided an overview of approaches taken to embed environmental criteria into cultural funding.
Mobility is an integral part of the life and artistic practice of many artists. From October 27 to 29, 2011 a.RTISTS IN TRANSIT/How to Become an Artist in Residence took place at the Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz (Berlin Weißensee School of Art).
Social security while mobile: "Social Security of Visual Artists in Europe". Requirements of visual artists working across borders.
Artistic projects and networks organised offside the mainstream have gained relevance in the last years. How significant are these places for art and artistic production within an art system moved by economic success?
Experts' meeting on "Mobility in the visual arts sector in Europe". IGBK was partner and co-organiser of the European project "Urban Interventions: Artistic perspectives for the urban space".
Invited by IGBK and initiated by Werner Schaub, 76 artist-run initiatives from throughout Europe took part in the open forum Art Swap Europe at the Berliner Akademie der Künste on October 11 and 12, 2008.
Artistic-research-project by Dorothee Albrecht, Alf Löhr, Andreas Schmid and Moira Zoitl for the Internationale Gesellschaft der Bildenden Künste (IGBK)
Die IGBK war, in Kooperation mit Atelier Kontrast (Heidelberg) und der Staatlichen Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe, Ausrichter des internationalen Festivals für studentische Medienkunst 'Re/Act 2005/2006' in Heidelberg und Mannheim.
Viele Künstler*innen pendeln als Nomaden zwischen den "Kunstarenen" der Kontinente hin und her, andere suchen Begegnungen und Verbindlichkeiten durch gezielten Austausch mit Kollegen aus anderen Kulturkreisen.
In the summer of 1994, the IGBK staged the international artist symposium »Imaginary Hotel« on the grounds of the former Buntgarnwerke (yarn factories) in Leipzig-Plagwitz.
Nach einem europaweiten Aufruf der IGBK entstanden 1991/1992 künstlerische Erderkundungen aller Art.
Quelle des Lebens, Urstoff der Schöpfung, chemische Formel und gefährdete Ressource: 1986 machte die IGBK das Element "Wasser" auch zum Thema in der Kunst.
Im Herbst 1979 veranstaltete die IGBK den Kongress »Kunst und Öffentlichkeit« in Stuttgart und machte die Stadt zehn Tage lang zu einem lebendigen Zentrum des internationalen Künstleraustausches.