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On 09 June 2023 in Berlin

On Friday 09 June 2023 the IGBK General Assembly took place in Berlin.

We could welcome many new delegates from our member associations Bundesverband Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künste (BBK) - Deutscher Künstlerbund - GEDOK and a new board was elected.

The new IGBK board is composed as follows:

Congratulations! We are much looking forward to the cooperation in the next years.

Marcel Noack takes over the position as speaker of the board of IGBK and succeeds Christine Düwel, who was the spokesperson of IGBK for the last three years.

We say thank you to Christine for the very fruitful work and cooperation in the last years.

Our great thanks also go to the previous IGBK board members Werner Schaub, Ingrid Scheller and Doris Granz, who did not run again at this meeting.

Topics at the assembly included amongst others the IGBK-project visual artists | diverse conditions, the planned mapping of residencies in Germany in the visual arts, and our cooperation projects touring artists and Brexit Infopoint.

Panel discussion on the eve of the assembly

On the eve of the assembly, the IGBK in cooperation with the Deutscher Künstlerbund organized the panel discussion Rahmenbedingungen künstlerischer Arbeit in Bezug auf Diversitätsdimensionen.

We discussed with:

  • Anike Joyce Sadiq, visual artist based in Berlin and
  • Valentina Karga, visual artist and professor at Hochschule für Bildende Künste (HFBK) in Hamburg
  • Moderation: Mutlu Ergün-Hamaz, research associate at Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte in Berlin and former diversity officer at Universität der Künste Berlin
  • Welcome and introduction: María Linares, visual artist, Internationale Gesellschaft der Bildenden Künste (IGBK), Deutscher Künstlerbund

The panel discussion took place within the framework of the IGBK annual project visual artists | diverse conditions. With this project, the IGBK, against the background of its involvement in the IAA Europe, is examining the conditions of artistic work in Europe from the perspective of diversity.

What impact do characteristics such as age, gender, origin/language and geographical location (or place of residence) have on the work of visual artists in addition to country-specific cultural policy, art policy and socio-political conditions? To what extent is the presence or absence of diversity structures noticeable in institutions, i.e. also in artists' associations?



General Assembly 2023 (c) IGBK

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