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Aktion Mensch / Deutschland
Submission Deadline: No deadline, ongoing
Category: Project funding

Auschreibungs Bild
(c) Aktion Mensch

Link to the original call

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Until 2026, small local projects in areas such as art and culture that make a concrete contribution to the funding priority of inclusion are to be supported with up to 5,000 euros. The funding period is between one day and twelve months.

In particular, Aktion Mensch e.V. invites initiatives and associations to apply that have not yet had any contact with the topic of inclusion and would like to take a first step in this direction. With its program, it supports a wide range of projects that contribute to inclusion, build bridges between cultures, milieus and generations and strengthen individual potential. The target groups of the funding are therefore people with disabilities, people in particular social difficulties as well as children and young people.

Application fee: no fee indicated

Age restriction: no age restriction indicated

Regional restriction: international call