touring artists has compiled a list with links and sources that can be helpful for artists in the current situation: on effects for the cultural sector, on planned and required (help) measures and possible contacts in legal questions.
You can find the list here.
The BBK Bundesverband also offers up-to-date information on its website and a documentation aid for recording loss of fees as well as special charges due to cancellations (documents in German).
You can find the information compiled by the BBK Federal Association here.
On the Move also offers a compilation of information, in particular in relation to the international context and with a focus on questions regarding the mobility of artists (cancellation of travel, etc.).
You can find the information on the On the Move website here.
Res Artis has put together a very helpful list of FAQs and gives names more external ressources on its website, especially concerning the issue of residencies.
Find the informatio on the Res Artis website here.
The Deutsche Kulturrat has compiled a very helpful list with the existing measurements and statements, list in German.
Find the list compiled by the Deutsche Kulturrat here.
Many other initiatives, associations and organizations have also gathered helpful information, some of which is industry-specific, and the above pages will in some cases forward you to them.