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Künstlerhaus Edenkoben
Klosterstraße 181
67480 Edenkoben
E-Mail or calls
3-6 months
not specified, please contact residency operator
please contact residency
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© Künstlerhaus Edenkoben
The Künstlerhaus Edenkoben is a meeting, living and working place for poets, writers, artists, musicians and translators. Readers, people interested in art, representatives of literary associations and friends of the southern Palatinate landscape meet here.

The awarding of scholarships to artists of various genres and a programme of events, which primarily presents contemporary literature and poetry, but also music and visual arts, enable and encourage such encounters. "Crossing borders", both in terms of content and space, has characterised the profile of the Künstlerhaus from the very beginning. Joint projects with the French neighbours, the poetic exploration of European languages, but also the preoccupation with endangered regional cultural spaces have brought the foreign closer and made Edenkoben a place for discoveries.
There are four flats and a studio in the house - all living units are fully furnished and have an internet connection. The scholarship holders receive a monthly allowance of 1,200 euros. In addition, the costs of travel to and from the house are reimbursed.