(Re)building international networks
The Kreativ-Transfer program to support international networking and visibility of companies, artists and creatives in the fields of performing arts, visual arts and games will be continued.
General information on the Kreativ-Transfer program 2019-2020.
From the press release of Dachverband Tanz Deutschland, the sponsor of the program (06 July 2021):
"The Dachverband Tanz Deutschland can continue the Kreativ-Transfer program until May 2023. This is an important push to support arts and culture professionals in the (post)pandemic period to (re)build their networks in Europe and beyond and to strengthen their international market presence.
In early 2019, the two-year pilot project Kreativ-Transfer (www.kreativ-transfer.de) was launched to support artists, creatives and their representatives in building and expanding their international network and improving the visibility of their work on the international market. To this end, Kreativ-Transfer supported (on a pro-rata basis) participation in international fairs, festivals and platforms. With workshops, networking meetings and informal get-togethers, various formats of know-how transfer and exchange of experience accompanied the artists:inside and creatives.
Even during the pandemic, Kreativ-Transfer succeeded in supporting artists, creative professionals and their representatives in their networking activities and their own qualification and professionalization - by means of funding for "international networking, visibility and professionalization projects" and digital event offerings. The successful federal program in the field of cultural and creative industries can now be further developed and deepened with the continuation of funding in order to promote the target group even more effectively and sustainably.
Like the pilot program, Kreativ-Transfer II is aimed at actors from the performing arts, the visual arts and the games industry. In the course of the two years, it will also be examined to what extent the program can also be implemented in the field of fashion design. To this end, the Dachverband Tanz umbrella organization will initiate research and seek talks with professional associations and players in the fashion design industry.
Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media Monika Grütters: "The great positive response to the Kreativ-Transfer pilot project has shown that this program fills an important gap in cultural funding. Particularly for the period after the pandemic, it will be important to network internationally, revive existing contacts and establish new ones - ideally in direct dialog. We are supporting artists and creative professionals in this with the second phase of Kreativ-Transfer."
After Kreativ-Transfer I (funded with 490,000 euros), Kreativ-Transfer II will be funded with 790,000 euros by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM), a significant strengthening of the program!
Michael Freundt, Managing Director of Dachverband Tanz Deutschland, commented: "With Kreativ-Transfer, Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media Grütters is strengthening creative people and artists in important sub-sectors of the cultural and creative industries. For this strong signal for culture in Europe and for international exchange, we would like to express our sincere thanks - also on behalf of the cooperation partners!"
On 22 September 2021, DTD invites together with the cooperation partners to a digital kick-off-Kreativ-Transfer II: In addition to a brief review and an insight into the evaluation of the past program, the main aim is to inform and discuss the contents of the now following as well as to provide a platform for exchange between actors:inside the cultural and creative industries."
The project „Kreativ-Transfer“ is funded by the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (BKM). The sponsor of the project “Kreativ-Transfer” is the umbrella organization The German Association for Dance (DTD). In the implementation of this program, DTD cooperates with the IGBK as well as with Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste (BFDK), the Initiative Neuer Zirkus (INZ), the Bundesverband Deutscher Galerien und Kunsthändler (BVDG), with game - Verband der deutschen Games-Branche eV and transmissions GbR.
Further information at www.kreativ-transfer.de