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in November 2018 in Berlin

With a view to the elections to the European Parliament in 2019 and to the German EU Council Presidency in 2020, Culture Action Europe's (CAE) members residing in Germany met in November 2018 in Berlin.

The European Secretariat of German Culture NGOs (EUSEC) assembled this get-together. IGBK and ITI Germany have been working together in EUSEC for many years.

CAE's General Secretary Tere Badia presented "Culture Action Europe's Appeal for the European Elections 2019" and positions were discussed on a selection of topics such as culture in external EU relations, EU cohesion policy as a (potential) cultural policy and an intersectoral positioning of the cultural sector in Europe itself.

Also, the results of the CAE annual meeting Beyond the Obvious at the end of October in Timisoara, "ctrl + shift HUMAN: Arts, Sciences and Technologies in coded societies" were evaluated together.

Together with the Swiss colleagues of Visarte, ITI and IGBK are currently developing the planning for the CAE Annual Conference 2019 in the border region of Konstanz / Kreuzlingen between Germany and Switzerland.


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CAE German Hub. Photos: © IGBK, 2018

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