for regional artists' organizations/ artists' residencies/ project spaces | Zoom on 05 April 2022 | 11.00-12.30h CET
Please sign up for participation here until 04 April 2022.
IGBK, together with the information portal for artists and creatives working internationally touring artists, invites to an exchange and networking meeting for regional artists' organizations/ artists' residencies/ project spaces that currently want to get involved with artists from Ukraine and/or artists from so-called crisis countries, or are already doing so.
Sebastian Hoffmann from the touring artists helpdesk service will offer a brief insight into current regulations on residence in Germany.
Afterwards, we will exchange information on informal and official information and support platforms and present a selection of already existing support programs in Germany and in an international context.
The aim is to share common knowledge, to encourage each other's commitment and to get an overview of the need for information, especially in institutions beyond the urban centers.
The meeting will be in German.