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Stipendium Bellevue-Saal
Wilhelmstraße 32
65183 Wiesbaden
3-6 months
German, English
The scholarship is endowed with 1000 euros per month.
not specified, please contact residency operator
no / not specified
© Stipendium Bellevue-Saal
Every year, the Verein zur Förderung künstlerischer Projekte e.V. (Association for the Promotion of Artistic Projects), in conjunction with the state capital Wiesbaden, awards two four-month scholarships to visual artists of the younger generation.

A residential studio in Wiesbaden's Kunsthaus am Schulberg and a monthly stipend are provided. An exhibition of the scholarship holder's work in the Bellevue Hall at the end of their stay is obligatory. Interested parties can send their documents to the Verein zur Förderung künstlerischer Projekte e.V. (Association for the Promotion of Artistic Projects).