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Mexico City, México

casa galina(c) all pictures in this article Casa Gallina

Josefa Ortega from Casa Gallina joins us for the onAIRISM - challenges and transitions conference in November 2021.

Casa Gallina is a transdisciplinary cultural project whose programming is focused on learnings and actions relating culture, community, and the environment. The project is located in Santa María la Ribera, a neighborhood of Mexico City, where it seeks to facilitate synergies inside the local communities.

Through its platforms, Casa Gallina seeks to promote, inoculate, encourage, and revitalize initiatives and proposals about resilience, the environment, creative models of associations, life styles of responsible consumption, as well as alternative models of social interaction. Casa Gallina also seeks to strengthen local community networks, as well as alliances with initiatives from other areas that share similar interests to establish processes of dialogue, work, and exchange.

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Casa Gallina has operated since 2013 in the territory of Santa María la Ribera, where it has been able to construct a complex web of solid relationships between diverse actors and local agents from the neighborhood. In 2019, Casa Gallina and its team proposed to consolidate their practice by expanding collaborations with other creative platforms with similar interests around the country to strengthen processes of exchange, dialogue, and learning, in which local experiences can transcend the specific territory to amplify their impact networks.

Casa Gallina considers the focus of its work to be reinforcing its leadership role in strengthening community networks related to reflection and action about issues of sustainability, ecological regeneration, conscious consumption, and creativity in everyday life. Through diverse formats of social interaction, dialogue, and learning exchanges, Casa Gallina is being constructed as a community facilitator of learning processes and social collaborations.

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Rather than exalting products or results, Casa Gallina is interested in implementing and supporting experiences through medium to long term processes of connection and affective exchange that enable the construction of local networks and provide access to tools for sustainable change, social participation, and resilience.

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