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KU Leuven

Profilpicture of Samantha Domingo(c) Samantha Domingo

Sam Domingo (b. Cainta, Rizal) is a researcher, theatre practitioner, curator, and artist. Born and raised in the Philippines, she creates literary pieces such as essays, poems and plays, and other creative works that have reached more territories than her two feet. Her writings were featured in various projects and literary journals in Europe, Asia, and Australia, some of which were written for the Ujazdowski Castle Center for Contemporary Art, Cordite Poetry Review, Sing Lit Station, and Lampara Publishing. She contributes to CODAME, a US-based NGO that combines art and technology, and Tambisan sa Sining, a cultural group of Filipino artist-activists. She completed psychology and minor studies in English literature from the Ateneo de Manila University in 2019. In 2022, she graduated with an advanced masters degree in Cultural Anthropology and Development Studies from KU Leuven, Belgium. She uses this background to discuss the silenced narratives of the human condition, especially of the marginalized (LGBTQ+ community, refugees, and migrant workers), our struggle with technology, and other socio-political issues in Asia and Europe. Currently, she is one of the two curators of the Philippine pavilion for the 18th International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale.

Samantha Domingo joins us for the onAIRISM - interaction and connectivity conference in November 2022.

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