register your open calls

You can register your open calls for publication on the IGBK-website here.

Please fill in the fields marked with (*), thank you!

After sending your entries you will receive a confirmation on the screen and a confirmation email.

The publication of your call is subject to verification by IGBK.

Any questions? Please write to us at opencall(at)

Details of the open call

Please enter the name of your opportunity.

Please enter the name of your organization.

Please state the country your organization is based in.

Ungültige Eingabe

Please select the category of your call here.

Please select one of the two options.

Please pick a date.


Add a short description

Terms of participation

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Please enter details here.

Please select one of the two options.

Please enter details here.

Please select one of the two options.

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More information

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Please make sure your image is of the right size and format.

Please insert credits for the picture here.

Please only upload images here for which you own image rights. By uploading the image file, you grant IGBK the right to publish it on the IGBK website free of charge for the purpose of advertising your open call. IGBK accepts no responsibility for infringements of third-party copyrights that may be associated with the upload and publication of the picture on its website.

Contact and remarks

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