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Profil picture of Andreas SchmidPhoto: Jan Siefert 

Andreas Schmid, *1955, Stuttgart, Germany, is an artist and curator situated in Berlin.

After studying painting and drawing in Germany he went to the PR China to carry on his studies of the line with Chinese calligraphy for three years. He is engaged in many artistic bodies in Berlin and the German government concerning e.g. public art, independent art networks etc. and in various organizations like IGBK, IKG and Deutscher Künstlerbund.

For IGBK he co-conducted several symposia and projects like Dreams of art spaces collected or artists in transit. Andreas Schmid was one of the co-project leaders for the IGBK projects onAIRISM - challenges and transitions in 2021 and onAIRISM - interaction and connectivity in 2022 with a focus on artist-in-residence programs in the Americas and in the global south. He has been a member of the IGBK board in the 1990s and early 2000 years and has been again a member of the board since 2020.In his curatorial work Andreas Schmid has mainly focused on contemporary art in the People’s Republic of China.

In his own artistic work, he deals with the transformation of spaces and perceptual processes through e.g. drawing in and with space. His work has been presented in various countries throughout Europe, Canada, USA and PR China. He has also been teaching - mainly about space and light - in Europe and the PRC.

Andreas is active in the visual artists | diverse conditions working group on visual artists associations and structures and he is part of the round table at the 2024 visual artists | diverse conditions conference.