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onAIRISM 2022 - conference recordings

Videos of the digital conference on the work and visions of artists' residencies and their networking in November 2022 (...)

onAIRISM 2022 in exchange with: 32° East (Kampala, Uganda) | CAA Contemporary Art Archipelago (Turku Archipelago, FIN) | CACHE (Beijing, China) | Cemeti Institute for Art and Society (Yogyakarta, Indonesia) | Jatiwangi Art Factory (Majalengka, West Java, Indonesia) | Project Space Lagos (Lagos, Nigeria) | Raw Material Company (Dakar, Senegal) | Sa Sa Art Projects/ Pisaot Residency (Phnom Penh, Cambodia) | SPACE STUDIO (Vadadora, India) | TEOR/éTica (San José, CRI) | Theerta (Colombo, Sri Lanka) | Villa Gottfried (N'Gaparou, Senegal) | What About Art (Mumbai, India) | Zona Imaginaria (Buenos Aires, ARG)

An overview of all the partners in our onAIRISM gatherings in 2022

Conference program