Form Residencies

Enter information about your residency profile here.

With your information we are creating a mapping of artist residencies in the field of visual arts in Germany. The mapping is intended to help artists find out about the wide range of programs available in Germany. The service is designed for an international target group, the information will be presented in English.

Read more about what we are doing here.

Do you have questions? Please write to us at mapping(at)

Please fill in the fields marked with (*), thank you.

After your entries have been successfully sent, a confirmation screen will appear and you will receive an email at the email address you provided.

Please enter at least one discipline.

Please choose one or several of the disciplines named above here. Thank you.

Please enter the Name or Title.

Please enter a state.

Ungültige Eingabe

Please explain where the residency is located and how to get there.

Invalid input

Please indicate the duration of use.

Please indicate at least one language.

Please enter a residency description.

Ungültige Eingabe

Ungültige Eingabe

Please deposit at least 1 picture. Make sure you use the jpg format for the photo.

Please deposit a picture of your residency space here. Please use .jpg Format, max. size 10MB

Ungültige Eingabe

Ungültige Eingabe

Ungültige Eingabe

Ungültige Eingabe

Ungültige Eingabe

Residency costs or grants

Please provide details of the residence costs.

Ungültige Eingabe

Please indicate if there are any subsidies for the Residency.

Ungültige Eingabe

Type of organization and contact details

Ungültige Eingabe

Please enter the address.

Please enter the postcode.

Please enter the City

Please enter the E-Mailaddress

Please enter our website with http:// or https://.

Please indicate a contact person.

Indicate how you can be contacted.

Further specifications

Ungültige Eingabe

Please indicate if there are any restrictions for age groups.

If you have clicked yes, please enter the Age Restriction information.

Ungültige Eingabe

Ungültige Eingabe

Please indicate whether the residence is (in parts) barrier-free.

If your residence is equipped in parts barrier-free, please click yes above. More fields will open up where you can enter the details.

If your residence is equipped in parts barrier-free, please enter some details here.

Ungültige Eingabe

Ungültige Eingabe

Privacy policy and concluding information*

To send the form, you must agree to the privacy policy.

Please confirm the completeness of the information.

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