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With inputs by Marcelo Rezende, Josefa Ortega, Alessio Antoniolli, Olga Robayo and Iván Tovar

Watch a video of the 2nd day of the onAIRISM conference in November 2021 here (find also the conference program here).








(c) IGBK 2021

Moderation: Shey Rivera Ríos, a.o. Artist Communities Alliance, Providence, RI, USA

Keynote by Marcelo Rezende/ Archiv der Avantgarden, Dresden

Inputs by Josefa Ortega/ Casa Gallina, Mexico City | Alessio Antoniolli, Triangle Network and Gasworks UK, London | Olga Robayo and Diego, EL PARCHE, Bogotá

Cooking session with Iván Tovar and the Lugar a dudas team, Lugar a dudas, Cali

Farewell by the project leaders María Linares, Andreas Schmid and Moira Zoitl, Berlin