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Recorded in September 2021 in Berlin

View here two excerpts from an interview with Olga Robayo from the EL PARCHE Artist Residency (AIR) in Bogotá, Colombia, that was recorded with the three project leaders of onAIRISM María Linares, Andreas Schmid and Moira Zoitl in September 2021 in Berlin.

Olga had been visiting the city of Berlin and many other places in Europe in September 2021, together also with her colleagues from Red Comunitaria Trans. During this trip to Europe, they had a.o. an exhibition in the city of Göttingen and also an event at the Cordillera Project Space in Berlin.

During its 11 years of operation, EL PARCHE has developed a program of residencies, exhibitions, creation laboratories, workshops and other artistic productions, hosting in its space artists, curators and national and foreign cultural managers. Working in collaboration with them to diversify the spaces and practice of the visual arts as well as strengthening the local art scene.

In the first video excerpt, Olga amongst others reports about the changes in the staffing of EL PARCHE's AIR-program during Corona - from an open space for all, to now also more of a shelter for minorities who need a place temporarily.   

In the 2nd excerpt of recording, Olga talks more specifically again about the 'shelter' idea, as it has been lived in EL PARCHE.









More information on EL PARCHE here.

More information on Olga Robayo here.