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Cemeti Institute for Art and Society

Profil picture of Linda Mayasari (c) Linda Mayasari


Linda Mayasari is Director at Cemeti - Institute for Art and Society as well as a member of the associate curator for the Indonesia Dance Festival. She is currently completing a Master's degree in Cultural Studies at Sanata Dharma University while pursuing personal research and writing, exploring the intersections of art, politics, and post-colonialism within Indonesia's cultural and historical context. Occasionally she works collaboratively with artists from various fields (particularly dance and visual art) to produce independent research-based projects. Her research paper entitled "Dismantling the Agency, Rereading the Image of Cosmopolitan Citizenship in Bursaries for Artists, Residency with the Cemeti Art Foundation from 1999-2003" was presented and published at the Seminar on History and Nationality: Nationalism amid Cultural Citizenship and Global Extremism organized by PUSDEP ( Center for Political History and Ethics), Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta in October 2017. She worked on a research project with Muhammad AB, and Suluh Senja Romana called "Peeping the Dance Archive: Drunk with Anything American vis-a-vis National IdentityJogja Dance Trajectory". The research was presented in an archive exhibition as part of the "Jejak-旅 Tabi Exchange: Wandering Asian Contemporary Performance" in Yogyakarta in 2018.

Linda Mayasari joins us for the onAIRISM - interaction and connectivity workshop in June and the conference in November 2022.

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